Keynote Speakers

Ulrich Abel
Prof. dr. ABEL Ulrich, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany
Ulrich Abel holds a diploma in mathematics (1981). In 1984, he received his doctorate in mathematics from Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany. His first research fields were summability and asymptotic approximation by Dirichlet series. After working several years in industry, Abel became a full professor at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Campus Friedberg, Germany. where he served as vice-dean and as dean of the faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Science from 1997 to 2001. Abel was visiting professor at universities in Romania, Italy and Spain. He attended many international conferences in Europe, America and Asia as invited speaker or providing contributed talks. Read More
Prof. dr. BOȚ Radu Ioan, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria
His research interests are : continuous and discrete time methods for optimization and monotone inclusions, nonsmooth convex and nonconvex optimization, monotone operators, applications to machine learning ... Read More
Prof. dr. DELLA CROCE Federico, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Federico Della Croce holds a MS in Computer Science and Automation (1990) and a PhD in Operations Research (1993) from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Since 2011, he is Full Professor of Operations Research at Politecnico di Torino where he served as Head of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering from 2012 to 2015 and as Vice-Head of the Department of Management and .. Read More
Prof. dr. GROZAVU Nistor, CY Cergy Paris University, France
He received his Habilitation to Conduct Research (HdR) degree from Sorbonne Paris Nord University in 2020 and PhD degree in Unsupervised Machine Learning in 2009 from Paris 13 University.
He is curently Full Professor In Computer Sience at CY Cergy Paris University and Deputy Director of ETIS. His research interests include Unsupervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Dimensionality reduction, Collaborative Learning, Machine Learning by Matrix Factorization and content-based information retrieval, Quantum Machine Learning. These researches are applied in different applications for text mining ... Read More
Prof. dr. ILIE Lucian, University of Western Ontario, Canada
He obtained his PhD degree in 1999 from the University of Turku, Finland and is the recipient of a Humboldt Fellowship from University of Magdeburg, a CNRS Fellowship (Post Rouge) from Paris-Est University, and a Faculty Scholar Award from University of Western Ontario. He designs solutions for bioinformatics problems, using tools from machine learning and string algorithms. He is known for his work in sequence alignment using spaced seeds, error correction, read mapping, and genome assembly of DNA sequencing data, protein-protein interaction prediction, protein interaction site prediction, oligonucleotide design, full index-based string algorithms, and combinatorics of string repetitions.